
Friday, August 24, 2018

words to tell the time

non fiction reading

WALT: we are learning to read non fiction books and answer the questions

I found it challenging but interesting how long it took to take photos.

telling the time

we are learning to tell the time 

speed writing

WALT: write as much as we can in ten minutes

i found this work challenging because you have to challenge yourself to write under 10 miniutes or in ten minutes.

the interesting thing is found out was that it was challenging


WALT: find specific information about the Kiingitanga.

I found this activity challenging but interesting.

The interesting thing i found out was that he has been king since before i was born .

Friday, August 10, 2018

cool math

This week we are learning how to split numbers into hundreds tens and ones

jacinda adern

This week we have learnt about Jacinda Adern.